The breeze that rustles your Dupatta is just perfect – neither too cold nor too hot. You dip your toes in the water and take in the lush greenery. Your all-inclusive resort package allows you to order as much food and drink as you like. You sip on a refreshing lemonade and think to yourself… this is paradise. I could live here forever.
But that thought doesn’t last for long. You start thinking of the credit card bill that will be greeting you soon. How you may have to work extra to pay off this vacation. If finances are no issue, your mind will worry about the gazillion calories you consumed at the buffets. You’ll worry about the hours you will need to spend at the gym to lose those inches. Say you have a magical metabolism that lets you eat cheeseburgers every day without gaining an ounce. You will still have some worry or the other. Allergic reaction to a new food? Sunburn or worse, skin cancer? Kids getting hurt or your cell phone being stolen (how will you post a pic of your dinner – gasp!).
And even if you are blessed to have none of these concerns, there is one worry that will nag you. The fact that your paradise-esque vacation will soon end. And just counting down the days is sadness in itself. Last sunset in Hawaii. Last massage at the spa. Last this and last that. Before you return to the grind.
“Say, the enjoyment of this world is little, and the Hereafter is better for him who fears Allah.” (An-Nisa 4:77)
But what if we work for the real paradise? Not only will we not get a massive bill at the end, we will have no calories to burn and no accidents to be paranoid about. And best of all, the real Jannah is eternal. No worries about the last great meal or the last uninterrupted nap.
“Verily! Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous deeds, shall have the Gardens of Al-Firdaus (the Paradise) for their entertainment. Wherein they shall dwell (forever). No desire will they have to be removed therefrom.” (Al-Kahf 18:107-8)
If you feel you have seen God’s beauty in this world, it was just the tiniest glimpse of what awaits His righteous servants. Ahadeeth remind us of living in this world like a traveller. So if Allah (swt) has blessed you, enjoy your life and see the world, but never let your trips compromise your faith. Never let a vacation make you forget your duties regarding your prayers, your dress or your food. If you can afford it, stay in nice hotels and have someone make your bed for you, but as conscious Muslims, we do not get attached to the hotel room, because we know that sooner or later, we have to leave it. We enjoy everything in moderation, but always keep our eyes on the prize. The real prize. Where the accommodation is created by the Best Creator – and you never have to check out.