Set Your Goals in Life
- Your goals will shape your life and your schedule.
- When doing any task, always begin with the end in mind.
- Self-Discipline is the Key
- Break such habits as procrastination and laziness.
- Make a weekly schedule along with a daily one and stick to it.
- Realize the difference between urgent and important. The urgent things may not always be important.
- Everything else will fit in automatically.
- Avoid distractions caused by such unimportant things as messages, posts, tweets, and mails.
- If the task is large or time-consuming, divide it into small chunks and start working on it immediately. Don’t procrastinate.
- Allah (swt) does not expect immediate results from us. He wants us to grow and learn on a constant basis, as He loves consistent good deeds. Even the Shariah was revealed gradually.
- Delegate and Take a Break
- Avoid burnout and fatigue. Narrated Abdullah bin Amr (rta): News of my daily fasting and praying every night throughout the night reached the Prophet (sa). He sent for me or I met him, and he said: “I have been informed that you fast everyday and pray every night (all the night). Fast (for some days) and give up fasting (for some days); pray and sleep, for your eyes have a right on you, and your body and your family (i.e., wife) have a right on you.” The Prophet (sa) said, twice: “Whoever fasts daily throughout his life is just as the one who does not fast at all.” (Bukhari)
- Recharge yourself. Make time for Halal fun with your family; it is Sunnah.
- Do teamwork. Delegate tasks to others, if they are able and willing to do it.
- The Prophet (sa) used to delegate tasks to his companions according to their abilities.
- Eliminate Time-Wasters (Al-Laghw)
- Eliminate things that don’t give you any benefit, especially the Haram ones.
- Even if the time wasters aren’t Haram, it is better to replace them with something productive.
- A good example is from Imam an-Nawawi’s childhood: he used to prefer studying rather than playing outside with the other kids. He prioritized studying over other usual things because that’s what he really wanted to do.
- Bonus Tips
- Multi-task only if it is beneficial. Avoid it where it is harmful, for example, during family time.
- Keep positive company. Be with those who increase your Iman, and who motivate and stimulate you to accomplish your goals.
- Be open to advice and correction. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t let your ego stop you from growing.
- Learn to say ‘no’ politely if somebody wants you to do something that distracts you from your schedule.
- Stay fit and healthy, because the opposite of fitness is laziness. Health and fitness are a part of Deen.
- Strive for excellence. Do everything with Ihsan. This is the characteristic of a true Muslim.
- One way to discipline yourself, or to break bad habits, is by giving a fine in the form of charity every time you indulge in that behaviour .
- Reward yourself with small treats when you stick to your routine or accomplish your goals. A nice ice-cream would work.
Transcribed by Ahmed Faraz. This is an abridged transcription of a webinar conducted by Shaykh Kamdar. For complete transcription, visit