Thorny Dragons
Thorny dragons are covered with spines and thorns from top to bottom. These thorns make them look dangerous, when, in fact, they are quiet and shy creatures. The real purpose of the thorns is protection against predators such as birds and snakes.
On hot days, the lizards are pale yellow and red in colour. However, in cooler temperatures, they can easily change into darker colours. The same reaction takes place when they are threatened or alarmed, in which case the colour change is a method of camouflage.
Another very unique characteristic about these lizards is their “false” head. When in danger, thorny dragons can tuck down their real head between their forelegs and raise their false head in place of the original.
Blue Parrotfish
The blue parrotfish is commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean. The name “parrot fish” comes from their jointed teeth, which look a lot like a bird’s beak. These teeth are specialized for scraping off algae from coral and rocks. It spends over 80% of its time searching for food.
A very exceptional ability of this fish is the fact that every night it changes into its pajamas! Secreted from an organ on their head, the parrotfish can envelop itself in a cocoon-like structure, made of mucous, which keeps it safe from predators while it sleeps. Just like changing into pajamas for a good night’s sleep!