“Sky is the limit” is a common phrase used for encouraging people to achieve the highest of their targets. Why not? After all, shouldn’t a person desire and attempt for a higher and higher goal? Striving hard and moving ahead must be the objective of each and every enterprising man. But, noteworthy is the theme this slogan carries, “Sky is the limit”. Its just a mundane slogan having nothing to do with achieving the skills spiritually too.
Therefore, let’s renounce this secular traditional phrase, and say it like: “Paradise is the limit”? With just a little amendment, using “Paradise” in place of “Sky”, the entire scenario alters and encourages to- acquire the goals worldly, as well as, spiritually. Jannat ul Firdous, the Paradise, receives the priority now. With this minute modification, one’s entire focus gets remoulded. So, why not should we make an effort for the highest achievements in life, here and hereafter? Why should we remain deprived of the divine rewards from Allah (swt) in the Paradise?