- Don’t waste electricity by leaving unnecessary lights and other electrical appliances on.
- Try to utilize daylight as much as possible during the daytime and do not keep curtains closed, so that you have to switch on lights.
- In summer nights, if you have to keep the air conditioner running, try to sleep in one room to cut down on electricity consumption.
- If you plan to buy an air conditioner for the next summer, go for split AC because it consumes less electricity as compared to its counterparts, i.e., window AC.
- Use energy saver bulbs to reduce energy consumption.
- When using the e-mail, stop junk mail and faxes through the mailing preference service to save electricity, paper and your time.
- Cancel delivery of unwanted newspapers, donate old magazines to libraries and doctor’s waiting rooms.
- Use your own cloth shopping bags, when visiting the supermarket, Sunday Bazar, etc.
- Grow your own vegetables. Many varieties can be grown in small gardens.
- Save up washing water for your garden or plant pots.
- Don’t throw away food. Feed to a poor. Crumbs and leftovers can also be given to pets or animals.
- Reuse scrap paper for writing notes, etc.
- Reuse envelopes – stick labels over the address.
- Donate old computer and audio-visual equipment to community groups or schools.
- Buy rechargeable items instead of disposable ones e.g. batteries and cameras.
- Take old clothes and books to charity shops or donate them to the poor.
- Reuse aluminum foil and cling film to cover food.
- Some retailers take back old electrical items, when delivering a new one.
- Local charity shops, schools, and community groups can sometimes use unwanted furniture.
- Set your printer to print paper double sided.
- Old greeting cards or paper cartons of tea, biscuits, etc., can be cut up in thin strips to light stove instead of using match sticks for each burner.
- Give away old newspapers to the Raddi Wala for recycling.
- Reuse fabric cuttings left over from stitched materials for stuffing cushions and pillows.
Some organizations in Karachi that accept donated household items for re-use:
Alamgir Trust
Edhi Trust