- Brush up your art skills and create awesome Eid cards for friends and family
- Brighten up Maghrib time by lighting colourful bulbs in or outside your house
- Be adventurous and prepare something delicious for Iftar with your mom’s help of course!
- Challenge yourself and learn short Duas or Surahs at home. You can even compete with your friends
- Be generous and make colourful goody bags for poor kids of the neighbourhood
- Chart down the good you did and bad you stayed away from. You never know mom and dad may just surprise you with a treat or reward
- Wrap little presents for your family to surprise them with at Eid
- Help mom at home by making less mess and cleaning up more. She will be thrilled to bits!
- Be kind to your brothers and sisters. It is tough, but you will love it when Allah loves you for it!
Above all pray to Allah for everything you want! Remember the doors to Paradise are open and Allah’s mercy is down pouring!