How do you make Dua? For many of us, Dua is a way of just reciting verses. And for few it is the mode where one turns to Allah (swt) in difficult times and makes Dua to Him to remove the affliction that he is going through. For a few, it is like a daily routine where we recite Dua after every Salah; many of us don’t do even that much…
Dua round the clock
How exactly should we make Dua? How should we strengthen our connection with The All-Hearer (As-Sami) We should make Dua in every prospect of life; in fact, every moment. Not only while you are facing huge problems, but even for small needs you should ask Him for He is The Provider (Ar-Razzaq).
For example, if you need a pen, ask Allah (swt) and make Dua to Him, before you go to buy it. If the strap of your shoe breaks, ask Allah (swt) for a new pair; but we tend to forget that it is He, Who provides and look around for solutions.
Dua as a form of worship
Do you know you get rewarded for making Dua? Hence, we should be constantly engaged in making Dua. When Allah (swt) mentions Dua in Quran, he establishes a direct connection with you. Even Prophet Muhammad (sa) is not mentioned in between. Usually, Allah (swt) commands Prophet Muhammad (sa) to “tell His command” to the people. But when it comes to a verse with a Dua, the word “Qul” is removed. This conveys pure Tawheed. Dua makes a direct connection between you and Allah (swt), no messenger; no Wali is between you and Allah (swt).
Subhan’Allah! Thus whenever you start making Dua, take a moment and visualize a direct connection that is established between you and Allah (swt) and experience the beautiful essence of Dua!
Therefore, remember Me (by praying, glorifying, etc.). I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless Favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me.” (Al-Baqarah 2:152)
Thus O you believers! Make Dua for Allah (swt) of returning a servant empty handed.
The power of Dua in the light of Sunnah
Salman Al-Farsi narrated that the Prophet (sa) said: “Indeed, Allah (swt) is Hayy (Generous), when a man raises his hands to Him, He feels too shy to return them to him empty and rejected.” (Tirmidhi)
Allah (swt) loves to see you make Dua. Allah (swt) gets angry, when you do not ask Him or make Dua to Him. Prophet Muhammad (sa) said: “Whoever does not call upon Allah (swt), He will be angry with him.” (Ibn Majah)
Isn’t this so wonderful? Allah (swt) wants us to gain His mercy in every possible way. He is Al –Wadud (the All-loving), and the most important thing to keep in mind is to be patient. Do not be in haste. Don’t keep any negative thoughts about whether you Dua is going to be accepted or not; in fact, erase them totally! “The Dua of any one of you will be answered as long as he is not hasty in seeking a response and does not say, ‘I prayed but I have not had a response.’” (Bukhari, Muslim)
So we all need to try to make a connection with Al-Qareeb (the One Who is near), and He will definitely answer His slaves. Keep seeking for His forgiveness and ask for best in both worlds. May Allah (swt) grant us the highest level in Jannah (Jannat ul Firdaws) and may blessings be upon Muhammad (sa) and his companions. Ameen.